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character :: Seth

'Is it worth feeling like your world is shattering beneath your feet and the ground is pulling you down into the depths? Is it worth the moments where it feels like your heart may literally stop beating and your ears may burst from all the pressure in your head? Is it worth the sleepless, lonely nights as you wonder where he is and who he's with? Is it worth the all the pain, anger and tears - is that a serious question? Well apparently you've never been in love because there's only one answer: Fuck yeah. I'd rather have felt that pain a thousand times again than never have gotten the chance to experience the love I feel for Anderson.'

It's hard to admit when you're wrong - unless, of course, you're like Seth and you run from your problems long before you have to admit you were ever wrong in the first place. Seth Evans met and fell in love with his high school sweetheart, a shy blondie named Anderson, in their hometown of Alexandria, Virginia. The couple were connected through their love of music, Seth, a passionate vocalist and guitar player and Anderson, an aspiring music producer, despite their parents objections to both their relationship and their sexuality.
'You're gay! Two men in a relationship is just asking for trouble, it'll never work out!'
It was obvious to Seth that even with his confession of love to Anderson that unless the two amped things up, it would be unlikely that the two would ever been seen as anything more than love-sick teenagers. So at the tender age of eighteen, the two announced their marriage which is was followed by outrage and disgust but Seth only had one thing to say: either accept their marriage or they would live out the rest of their life in the beautiful, sunshine of California where their dreams would all come true. Much to Seth's surprise, his family didn't stop him and the two were officially on their own.

The two traveled across the country and put down roots in California, not anticipating the high cost of living that would come with it. Jobs were few and far in between, especially for no-names from Virginia looking to squeeze their way into the music industry but Anderson encouraged Seth to 'follow his dreams' though the idea was short lived. Reality set in quickly and with money becoming much more tight each day, Seth had no choice but seek employment elsewhere. Over the next six months, their money dwindled to almost nothing and the two were living in the cheapest apartment they could find, well outside of the city limits but thankfully, a bit of a good news came when Seth finally got himself a job at one of the Amazon warehouses.

After a couple of honeymoon years, Seth could feel the relationship becoming boring and stale; the two fought more often, from money to what the two were going to eat for dinner at night, but Seth thought it nothing more than too much time spent at his job and Anderson's own insecurity at not being able to find a job until the night comes when Seth is hit with the bombshell: Anderson has been cheating on him with a woman named Mariah and Seth is both flabbergasted and heartbroken. Throughout the night, Seth considers his options but there is only one that truly made sense: he couldn't return to his family, his hometown, with his tail between his legs and admit that they were right about their He would have to stay.

By the time morning broke, Seth had given it some thought and admitted that he knew what was the downfall of their relationship and, even better yet, he knew how to fix it: they needed a family! It had just been the two of them for so long and it was time to move to the next chapter of their lives so Dominique was introduced but the problems continued. Anderson continued to see Mariah in secret until finally, he makes the ultimate mistake: Mariah falls pregnant and Seth is, yet again, devastated to learn about Anderson's infidelity. This time, Seth has no choice but to leave Anderson and the two break their relationship off for several months while Seth does some soul searching of his own. During this break though, sometime unexpected happens to Seth: he meets a guy who says he, too, is a singer and was looking for a few new musicians in his band. Seth, still looking to recover from his roller coaster of a relationship, agrees to try it out and from then on out, the rest is history.

Seth, Matt, Gage and Tyler form a punk rock band that manages to be mildly successful and as Seth begins to socialize and feel alive again, he realizes how quickly he's maturing and ultimately, takes Anderson back, as well as his illegitimate child (whose name is Cody) into their family.

Seth is one of those people that is able to roll with the punches that life has thrown at him and no matter how hard he gets hit, he will always stand up. He's both a lover and a fighter.

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