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character :: Sophia Topodiosa

Sophia knew from a young age that She was born special; the daughter of a Goddess. She had fine combs for her hair, plenty of food to eat, Herself and her two sisters had servants and all of the things a Dio'uros would earn from her servitude to Her people.

Even though She were the daughter of a goddess, a goddess Herself - Her beautiful sisters certainly didn’t make Her feel like one. They were all more beautiful, with thicker hair, slimmer figures and lighter skin. They had smiles with rows of white teeth that looked like pearls on a string; nothing like Her own. Sophia wasn’t ugly, of course, just different. A Dio'uros was not meant to be different, not here.

So when their mother, the ruling Dio'uros, passed away – and the land of the Kènat'tout people were divided up among the daughters – Sophia got the topmost portion of the mountain Her people dwelled on. It was the coldest, hardest stretch of their land. Sophia complained, but what’s done is done; with her five servants, Sophia made Her way to the temple at the crest of the mountain. Soon, the feeling of power separated from Her sisters flooded over Her, and the wayward Dio'uros began Her reign; an what a reign it will be.

I am your air,
your water and your sun.

Sophia spent Her time in seclusion reading, Her favorite pet (Sovia) offering wonderful companionship. During times when Sophia felt particularly cruel to the people coming to her begging for this or that, there was always Sovia there to temper Her feelings of bitterness. But even with the help of Sovia, as the young Dio'uros ages, a great resentment grows inside of Her. Her sister’s regions are faring beautifully even though her people struggle for food; and while it’s a clear issue of location and not management, the responsibility weighs heavily on Sophia’s shoulders. Her sisters can feed their people, so why can’t She? Slowly, Her people are wandering further down the mountain, abandoning their homes in the hopes of being led by the “kind Dio'uros” and not the cruel mistress She has become in the eyes of her people.

A silent storm grows within Sophia, the likes of which have been unseen since hundreds of thousands of people died during the Guerra Mundial. With access to the will of all in Her region, there’s no telling what She’s capable of; soon enough, however, all of T'ewule will know Her name. She’ll be good enough then, won’t She?

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