
plot :: Blood Bonds

Do not be deceived:
''Bad company ruins good morals.''
Corinthians 15:33

Genetically modified food is a breakthrough science, really. Potatoes can now grow from the dirt with a built-in pesticide "safe" for human consumption, animals can grow larger more quickly and yield more meat, even cows can produce more milk in one batch with swollen udders that barely inch above the ground when they walk. Scientists are so quick to believe in their genetic breakthrough that long-term testing on the effects of GMOs on human DNA doesn't seem plausible for such a valuable commodity. It's a win-win situation as companies and science-minds alike profit from the increased yield of crop and animal. But as the generations go on, consuming GMOs throughout the decades, a startling trend begins: attacks are happening, and happening often.

It begins in a trickle, brutal murders that are considered personal attacks by one serial killer. But as the crimes erupt over the country exhibiting the same brutality, the attacks now become a mania. Zombie fanatics around the world are disheartened to discover that their plans for universal meltdown are swept under the rug as it becomes clear a new medical condition has been discovered among the violence -- a rare disease called "Vrykosis" begins to rear it's ugly head for the first time.

Similar to Bartter Syndrome, Vrykosis stems from a severe Magnesium deficiency. As it turns out, the modified DNA humans had been consuming over the generations began to play with our own genetic makeup: the "on switch" located in our own DNA that turns on our ability to break down and absorb Magnesium has been mutated en masse. The previous generation were simply carriers of the mutated DNA, but the recessive mutation began becoming dominant as yet another wave of young children with developing bodies were subjected to the twisted DNA in their food.

Most Vrykrosis victims can expect mild symptoms in the onset of the disease's active period: it begins with anxiety, insomnia, irritability, confusion, ADHD and sensitivity to light and sound. While debilitating, the onset of the disease allows the subject to live a marginally normal life. As the disease progresses, however, the symptoms intensify...the sensitivity to light and sound become almost unbearable, sending most of the Vrykrosis patients into their homes until late into the night. Anxiety is only fueled by the bigoted reactions of the healthy to this condition; Vrykrosis suffers (commonly and mistakenly called Vampires by most) are feared, segregated, and hidden from polite society. Pale skin, muscle spasms, and garbled speech are all trademark symptoms that allow the segregation to begin. Politicians begin listening to the cries of their healthy a matter of years biblical scriptures are used as weapons to justify the foundation of "safe cities" to effectively banish these sick people. Outside of a safe city, a Vrykrosis suffer can expect to be stopped by police without warning or cause, heckled by the public, refused service by most (if not all) companies (including major chains), and even harmed by officials and fellow citizens alike.

There's no cure for least not yet. Scientists are too busy scrambling to cover up the nasty allegations (as are the corporations who benefited from GMO creation) to study how to fix the problem they've created. There's no cure, but there is relief offered up by the sufferers themselves. In their agony and psychosis, one or two patients have found ways to make themselves feel better for short periods of time: consuming fresh, healthy blood. Being called "Vampires" Makes a bit more sense now. The news soon spreads that fresh blood (with de-constructed Magnesium levels inside just waiting for absorption) can bring relief...and the killings begin. The desperate people with this mutation find blood in any way possible, and some have even claimed to live with their disease well into their 50's using this method. As studies commence to help Vrykrosis patients, it is discovered that the gene in our DNA that has been inhibited by decades of GMO consumption prevents the breakdown and later absorption of Magnesium...if the Magnesium is broken down already from a healthy person, it can then be consumed and absorbed by the sick individual to temporarily alleviate the symptoms.

Blood banks can only be robbed so many times before the government turns up security against the desperate suffers who need to consume blood to survive. Even though blood has a short shelf-life and is thrown away after just over a month in storage, attitudes toward this disease permit the mass disposal of blood by heavily guarded disposal plants to prevent Vampires from receiving the "trash blood" for their survival.

Vrykrosis is a death sentence, most of those who get diagnosed with this disease (who do not opt for suicide) will die an early death because of it. After many years of suffering, a Vrykrosis patient can expect to lose all cognitive abilities, including the ability to speak and distinguish loved ones from "food" before their kidneys shut completely down. It's common practice when Vampires get married to make a blood-oath: when your partner goes brain-dead, it's your responsibility as his or her lover to end their suffering.

Vampires don't have super strength, although it's one of the most common misconceptions among the healthy. They don't live forever (in fact, most don't live beyond their early 40's), and the disease is not infectious. The death rate of Vrykrosis is only topped by the murder of "Vampires"; in fact, a popular practice in southern US states is the "extermination" of Vampires who are not safe inside of a Safe City. It's all-out warfare as Vampires fight for equality and the healthy fight to keep them out of sight and out of mind.

Vrykrosis is a death sentence
most of those who get diagnosed with this disease
will die an early death because of it.