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character :: Ian Roussin

The condition had spread quickly; the government had labeled it Vrykrosis, a debilitating disease that left certain people with a slew of symptoms from insomnia to a severe need for blood, similar to the stories of folklore involving vampires. With such stories came the rumors, the ideas about how it was spread and what to look for before a person turned to a wild blood thirsty beast but nothing concrete that science could prove - for now, they were nothing more than outcasts in society.

Ian, up until he was eighteen, had been leading a normal life. He was the only son of two loving, kind parents working hard to provide for their son, one as a loan officer and another as the store manager of a local grocery store. They adored their son, despite that Ian was the typical teenager - slightly rebellious, never pushing himself hard enough in school and hanging out with friends rather than doing his homework. One such friend was Noah, a boy who lived in the block behind him and that Ian had known since the two were young children. They attended the same small schools, went to the same field trips and camps and hung out together almost every day. Ian's parents loved Noah as their own and the same could be said about Ian and Noah's parents; they were happy that the boys kept each other out of (most) trouble.

As Ian and Noah prepared to graduate, the two talked about their plans and heading to college but before Ian could make the plans final, he noticed how sickly he felt and with talks of the disease spreading, went into hiding, fearing the worst...and with good reason. Shortly after Ian realized the awful truth that he was, indeed, suffering from Vrykrosis, the media ignited a firestorm that burned out of control and set fear in the heart of citizens all over the country. Vrykrosis wasn't just a disease, it was a virus and a fatal one at that. Not only was it killing those it would infect but some of those that were infected had become rabid and attacked innocent civilians in order to drain them of their blood. Soon, it became difficult to tell what were true attacks and what were nothing more than teenage copycats, but no one cared. What they did care about were that the 'vampires' were a menace and had to be dealt with. So when the major U.S cities began to implement a task force to remove the most 'dangerous' ones from society, all those that have been infected must keep themselves hidden from the public's eye or risk being exterminated, Ian included.

Sometimes the strongest
bonds aren't of the blood
but of the heart

Cities begin cropping up that vampires can use as safe havens complete with blood banks where more compassionate citizens can donate to the worthy cause and hospitals that can treat the vampires dehydration and insomnia. Ian, now in his mid-20s, hasn't spoken to his family in years and is afraid that should he reach out to them, he, too, will be turned into the task force. It isn't until a run-in with his old friend Noah that Ian realizes how close the task force is to him: Noah, a newly married police officer, is the head of the task force and can't wait to catch up with his old friend, unaware of what Ian has been living with. Ian isn't what the future has in store for him, nor is he sure that he can trust Noah...but then again, Ian isn't even sure if he can trust himself anymore. What if he really is a monster and if he is, would Noah be his first victim? Ian needs blood to keep from going rabid and Noah, after learning of his condition, seems more than willing to be Ian's personal blood bank but Ian doesn't want to put his old friend in harm's way but there's something about the devilishly handsome Noah that keeps Ian coming back for more.

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