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character :: Zachary

'There is no 'junk'. All things are useful, you might not know it's use yet.'

For a crafty scrapper like Zachary, there is no limit to the things he can do. As the son of two Pakistani immigrants who passed away shortly after Zachary's sixteenth birthday, he's had no choice but to rely on what he knows to survive in a society where the rich dine on cavier and wine each night while the poor's only real aspiration was to work in the precious metal and gem mines throughout each district. But Zachary dared to dream a little smaller, picking up things that most view as garbage and putting it to use, even if it goes into one of his many scrap piles for later. That isn't to say that he's barely scrapping by and some might even say, living in poverty, but Zachary doesn't see it that way. He's got himself a nice little shack well on the outskirts of the town and mines, he's got a lovely, hard working little miner on his arm and his life has never seemed better.

But then begins the talk of the Shaffer family is single-handedly murdering hundreds of people day by day, as they work themselves to death for the sake of blood stained gold in his family's mines. Although Zachary makes little sense of this, he can see that the changes that the revolution could have on society and how it would improve the quality of work for his wife, Abigail, and her new friend, Elizabeth. He agrees and with the help of the other overworked and unappreciated workers, they fight against injustice.

But all of it was a ruse.

Elizabeth wanted nothing more than the throne and following a successful revolt, Elizabeth seizes power and enslaves the rest of the city, stepping on the backs of any that stand in her way...even those that used to be her friends. Now, Zachary is watching as his wife slaves away once more in the mines with even less rights than she had before but the Shaffers, who have been put to work in the very mines they used to own, won't give up so easily. 'One more fight', they say, 'Just this last one', they promise. And Zachary? He'd put his life on the line for Abigail's happiness.

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