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character :: Enzo Dumont

Enzo is a man’s man. He has a continuous tab running for just himself at the Cock Pocket, and every week he seems to have a new scheme to get him to the next payout. He’s had more women in his bed and men at his side than any good man could hope to have…probably because he’s not a good man. He’s a jack of all trades, so to speak; mercenary work, thievery, money laundering, hell, he’s even tried his hand at moonshining but he was shit at it. So, how does a man like this have a booming business with the elite in Sky Pass? Looks like a double life to me – those arrogant Sky Passers have no idea that the suave, eloquent man with a devilish glint in his eye has more going for him than a successful florist’s shop and perfumery.

At least, that’s what Enzo would like you to think. In all actuality, he’s some of the lowest hanging fruit in the Requisite, they'd have you believe – sold as a child servant to a family in Sky Pass, he made the best of a terrible situation by learning their language (Parlez-vous français?). He charmed the man and woman who originally purchased him for care of their horses in their upscale Sky Pass home, and in a matter of years he went from sleeping outside in the hay to having his own room to a family who now called him ‘son’. And while he smiled in their face, purchasing to the song and dance as they wanted him to, a burning fire grew in his chest. The hatred is what drew him to the fields; hatred for a family who would sell their oldest son to slavery in favor of his kid brother who had a better chance at success, hatred for a hypocritical ‘family’ who would purchase a slave and then try to pass him off as one of their own, and hatred for the wealthy, well-to do Sky Passers who didn’t seem to realize that they had it well off at all. The fields were his savior, however: the Azaleas were his childhood friends, Bellflowers his siblings, a Carnation was his mother and his father a Foxglove. He knew how to speak to them, and eventually, the breathtaking bouquets he created drew the attention of prominent business owners and restaurateurs who continued to look down their nose at him even as they demanded his services.

If there ever were
a part of me to save -
It's wrapped up into you

Enzo was distraught as could be when his adoptive family died in a raging fire that claimed every stich of their fine clothing, every page of the books he couldn’t read, and every sin he couldn’t answer for. The burning in his chest danced in his eyes as he watched it burn to the ground, the inheritance going in part to himself for his new business, and the other half to the boy who had been purchased to replace him. With any hope, he’d be saved, because sure as hell: Enzo wasn’t.

And so Crasseux Fleur blossomed into thriving business, just across the street from a little Periwinkle that had caught his eye as a teen. As he aged and fell into a dangerous second lifestyle that earned him huge acclaim in the outside, his mind remained only on her even as he won the hearts of so many. Once again, as his ‘Petite Fleur’ fell for a wealthy politician, he could see that the cards were inexplicably stacked against him. Enzo did the next rational thing – permanently exiled her corrupt fiancée from Sky Pass and landing Miss Giselle in prison – just so he could break her from her cell in a dashing show of bravery.

The two live just one life now, no longer splitting his act down the middle; one for a past he didn’t deserve and another for a future he didn’t know he wanted. Giselle isn’t pleased, but, only time will tell how this love story will turn out.

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